June, Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


By Sr Christina Dolan

As young people of a certain generation we loved to draw an image of the heart with an arrow cutting through it, illustrating the intensity of youthful undying love for that other Special One whose name would be written underneath. 

From time immemorial the human heart has been portrayed as a symbol of Love and devotion. Notably in the Christian tradition devotion to the Sacred Heart of Christ was, and still is widespread, seen as Jesus’ ultimate expression of Love in giving His very life blood for His people. One cannot help but see His Sacrifice replicated in today’s war-torn Ukraine and other places of unrest on our planet … fighters and innocent alike continue to have their hearts broken and precious lives lost.  As the Church devotes the month of June to the beautiful devotion of Sacred Love with the Solemnity of The Sacred Heart of Jesus being celebrated in about the third week, we send vibes of peace and love to our suffering brothers and sisters, His children everywhere.

For Presentation Sisters this is a particularly significant celebration, in that Our Foundress Venerable Nano had such a reverence and love for the Sacred Heart that her young congregation was known as the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Charitable Instruction.  This year on June 24th. we will be joined in prayer and devotion to remember and give thanks for her legacy, our inheritance, the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.



Reflecting on a beautiful day in May, in honour of Mary


Celebrating with our Brothers and Sisters of the Orthodox Church