Working for justice

What we do

We strive each day to make a difference in the lives of others. We do this through a variety of works including education, pastoral work, health care, catechesis, spirituality, faith development, human rights and ecology.

Throughout the world, over 1,000 Presentation Sisters proclaim the Good News with missionary zeal. Together, we work for justice and promote human dignity, especially among the poor and marginalised.

We work to alleviate suffering by promoting human dignity in the light of the Gospel teachings, prayer and community.

Our works

  • Offering friendship, support and accommodation to refugees and asylum seekers

  • Assisting the homeless

  • Supporting families facing difficulties

  • Carrying out faith and justice work in schools and parishes

  • Befriending the lonely

  • Ministering with travellers

  • Catechesis, spiritual development and pastoral ministry

  • Care of the sick and housebound

  • Prayer ministry

The Mission of Nano Nagle

The call of Nano Nagle’s life was shaped by the same Spirit of the Lord which led her through uncertainty and failure to an ever greater understanding of her mission. That understanding enabled her to take steps to liberate the poor from ignorance and injustice.

Our calling today is to continue Nano’s commitment to the education and care of the vulnerable and powerless. The issues that preoccupied the energies of the heart and mind of Nano Nagle are not dissimilar to our time. Our prophetic voice is vitally important in our world today: who will speak if you don’t?

 Get involved

Want to get involved in our works? Get in touch with Brian O' Toole,
our director at the Presentation Interprovincial Justice Desk.

Room 14, St. Patrick's Hall, Marino Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, 
Dublin 9, D09 K4P6, Ireland


We engage with the sustainable development goals and as we work to care for our common home. We are engaged with all issues that pertain to the elimination of violence against women and children, taking specific account of indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. 

Where appropriate, we lobby and challenge governments on their policy and human rights record in relation to those most marginalised. 

If you would like to be kept up to date on our social justice work, you can subscribe to our newsletter.