‘We saw peoples’ lives being renewed.’

We have the privilege of accompanying people in need and of going on missions in countries all around the world. Here are some of our stories.

Our Stories


As Presentation Sisters we are women who have responded to the call to follow Christ in the spirit of our founder Venerable Nano Nagle. Inspired by her charism and her example, we are dedicated to reaching out to those on the margins by engaging in compassionate service.

In a world where intolerance and fear of difference lead to great human suffering, we seek to transcend divisions and bear witness to the gospel message of love and unity.

Juan Gonzalez Juan Gonzalez

Community building in Chile & caring for the street children of Romania

Whilst still in school with some wonderful nuns, I was impressed by their simple but profound goodness and their devotion to the children, especially to the most in need. At that time, I read a short account of the life of their foundress and immediately could see clearly where they were coming from.

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