Celebrating Presentation Day, November 21st
Each year on the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Presentation Sisters all over the world celebrate their feast-day. Nano Nagle, their foundress said that the symbolism that appealed to her in Mary’s Presentation, was the ideal of Mary’s complete gift of herself to God – a gift freely given and then lived out in service.
In Nottinghamshire, Sr Mary and Sr Susan along with Key Stage 2 children from St.Joseph’s primary school celebrated the feast with Mass. Just before the offertory, one of the children invited the Sisters to renew their vows before Canon John Kyne, the Parish Priest, the school community and Associates. – who also renewed their promises.
“In the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, under the protection of his Immaculate Mother Mary, I renew this day the Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience which I made at my profession. I promise to persevere to the end of my life in this Congregation of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I humbly ask the prayers of this community that I may fulfil these obligations. Amen.”
The presence of the children was an important reminder of Nano’s love of children and her insistence that we prefer the schools to other ministries. She risked her life in settling up seven schools in the city of Cork in the 1770s. The children placed a candle in front of all the countries where the Sisters minister today. It was a joy to celebrate with them.
Later, Sister Mary and Sr Susan went over to school to share a little of the story with Key Stage 1. Each child was given a candle, we sang and prayed – and much to the Sisters’ delight, the children had been learning about Nano and could tell us some of her story. The high point of course, was a little treat given to every child and to the staff – it all helps to remember a special day.