Planting a symbolic oak

By Sister Christina Dolan

We live in a time of great concern about the need to save Planet Earth which is under threat;  from the melting ice caps at the Poles to the wanton destruction of the Amazon rainforests, from the ever-widening expanse of desert areas no longer fit for human habitation and the general disregard for the value of maintaining a natural healthy ecosystem, all of this is shouted from the rooftops by the scientists and their warnings are dire.

In the October sunshine in Matlock,  the Presentation Community, Associates, Staff, Groundsmen  and Friends  gathered to plant an Oak sapling in the Convent grounds, one small but significant contribution towards the healing that Mother Earth calls for. 

The ceremony  prepared by Sr Eileen the Provincial Leader, began with a song of lament ( by Jodie Clarke ) which called for the response of forgiveness for the damage done to Earth ..Kyrie Eleison, Lord have mercy.  Sr Eileen spoke of our commitment to caring for creation -  reminding us that, as Jesus said, a mustard seed can grow into something much bigger and seeds speak of hope as an investment in the future. We can make a difference by something as simple and small as planting and nurturing a tree. 

The Nobel Peace Prizewinning Kenyan, Wangaari Maathai, who inspired the planting of millions of trees said:

“Christ was crucified on the Cross. I always say somebody had to go into the forest, cut a tree and chop it up for Jesus to be crucified.  What a great celebration of His conquering Death it would be if we were to plant trees …in thanksgiving.”

The Oak sapling which was used symbolically at our June Assembly  - with the promise of being planted in the Autumn - has, from earliest times, been a strong symbol of Presentation Life.  ‘From Acorn to Oak‘ -  an image of the small beginnings of Nano Nagle’s foundation growing into a huge tree covering the four corners of the earth.  So, this ceremony of planting has been especially meaningful to us as well as cementing our commitment to caring for God’s creation.

‘Lord, bless this sapling.  Grant it fertility and steady growth.  May it be a sign of your Kingdom which starts with the small and weak, but grows in secret and will one day fill the whole of Creation  Amen.’





Generous to a fault…..