Epiphany Reflection 2023

By Sr Susan Richert:

We can learn from the “wise” who travelled to see the new born King

-          what it means to journey – following a star

Their journey was long – just as ours is long

They had faith to follow their star.

Have I got faith like this?

Decisions lie ahead; wondering what to do...where to go

How do we choose when we are faced with choices?

We need to learn how to choose wisely, to prosper,

to become the person God intended us to be.

Can we let the roads that we travel take us to beautiful places?

The people we meet on the road will be as wonderful (or as awkward) as the person I am.

We need to nurture the faith that it takes to achieve and aspire.

By sharing and using our gifts – our gifts will increase and multiply


                             The “wise” gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh


What is my gold?

Is my possessions, my talents and gifts, my abilities, my person?

I offer these to God – that I may become the person God wants me to be.

So that I will find happiness myself and bring happiness to others....


What is my Frankincense?

Is it my attitude that I have at home, in community, to those who help me, to the bus driver, to the person I don’t like?

Is it the thoughts I have about others?

Is it the care and respect I have for those around me?

If I focus on my family, friends, community, the needs of others; on giving and doing my best at all times - then happiness will find me.


What is my myrrh?

The times when I am in trouble, when sorrow finds me, when sadness meets me, when I hurt or am frustrated

I may have pains & stresses but that doesn’t mean I have to be a pain or cause stress.

People will forget what I said or what I did but they will never forget how I made them feel.

Spend a moment asking God for THE gift you really need – the one that can’t be bought but only given.

God, be a smooth way before me,

A guiding star above me,

A keen eye behind me,

A presence within me,

A blessing about me,

Each moment of

each day and

each night.


Let us pray



A prayer as a new year begins:


Reflecting on Nano Nagle as we end our Advent journey: