Camino: November 30th

30th November 2022-St Andrew

It is wonderful to begin this Camino with a feast day; please celebrate feasts: get an ice cream or glass of something that cheers you. Feast days can distract us from the mundane or that which drags us down. As we reflect on the fisherman Andrew, we remember his hard work and his dedication to Jesus. He is the first disciple mentioned by John in his Gospel and he was the one to introduce his brother, Simon to Jesus--a chance meeting that was to change the history of humanity.

He saw two brothers, Simon and Peter…follow me (Mt 4: 18-19)

We remember that, just like the others, he was asleep when Jesus needed him and that he ran and hid when Jesus suffered death and pain. Filled with hope in the Resurrection and strengthened by the gift of the Holy Spirit, it seems he went on to a preaching ministry, probably in modern Syria. Tradition has it that Scottish pilgrims brought bones of Andrew back with them and buried them in the place where the town of St Andrews now stands.

TODAY: can you be that person to introduce another to Jesus by what you do or say?

We pray for the people of Scotland on this their national feast day:

TODAY: make a virtual pilgrimage to the beautiful Scottish island of Iona:



Camino: December 1st


Camino: November 29th