Camino: First Sunday of Advent

 27th November 2022--First Sunday of Advent


As we begin our Advent journey and light this first candle, we are presented with the vision of hope this Sunday, so needed in the light of all we have been through. In the first reading today, Isaiah writes to encourage a people enslaved and not seeing much place for hope in their lives for they are worn down. The events of these past few months have hurt us and worn us down, some more than others. Like the Hebrew people, enslaved in Babylon, today more than ever we need to feel the loving presence of a God who cares and has not abandoned us because, like them:

We are the work of your hands (Isa 63:8)

The news of these last few months have filled us with dread and even fear, and it seems like not only the world is full of trepidation because of the onset of perhaps a more bleak future and a difficult future, a future where there could be lots of pain--we wonder what will happen to us. Jesus offers a ‘wake-up call’ in the Letter from the Romans today:

You know ‘the time’ has come: you must wake up now: our salvation is even nearer. (Rom 13:11)

The danger is that we can walk this advent way and it makes no difference at all; we can be so caught up in our own worries and fears that our goal is fixed only on December 25th 2022 and the respite it might offer us. Jesus is offering us a real challenge today: to find hope in TODAY!

What brings you hope this First Sunday of Advent?

Watch and reflect:

Prayer (as you light the first candle):

“Let nothing disturb you,

nothing frighten you,

all things are passing,

God is unchanging.

Patience gains all;

nothing is lacking to those who have God:

God alone is sufficient.”

(St. Teresa of Ávila)   



Camino: November 28th
