Camino: December 6th

The story of St. Nicholas, the bishop of Myra in Minor Asia, dates back to the fourth century. Legend has it that he, secretly, went around his town giving gifts to the poor. In European culture, this is the favourite holiday of all children – it’s a gift-giving day. When evening comes, St. Nicholas, a reverend grey-haired figure with flowing beard, wearing gorgeous bishop’s garments, gold embroidered cope, mitre and pastoral staff, knocks on doors and asks about the behaviour of the children. The custom of examining the children, where they will cite a verse, sing, or otherwise show their skills, is still widespread in German-speaking countries. Each little one gets a gift for his performance.

In our gospel today, Jesus speaks about the Good Shepherd who goes in search of the one lost sheep: out of a flock of one hundred sheep, he is on the look out for the one that is lost: ‘if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish. (Matt 18:13-14). We are reminded, once again, of that unconditional love that God has for each of us.

Today: try and connect with a lost friend or family member—a simple text message shows that you still care

We can pray:

Lord Jesus Christ, who carries the lost sheep back into the fold in your arms, and deigns to hear the confession of the publican, graciously remit all my guilt and sin. Lord, who hears the penitent thief, who has set a heritage of mercy for your friends and has not withheld pardon from the sinner; hear the prayers of your servants according to your mercy.

(Wilhelm Loehe)


Camino: December 7th


Camino: December 5th