Camino: December 2nd

The first week is nearly at an end; even in these difficult times, Christmas lights shine brightly on our high streets as we are invited in to spend what cash we might have. But many people are under pressure. We have to really open our eyes to see what is going on in our family, our parish, our town, our nation-our global community.

In the Gospel today, Jesus heals two blind men who come clamouring to his door, ‘Take pity on us, Son of David!’ (Matt. 9.27).  Jesus offers them both the gift of sight, on condition that they say nothing, but, true to human form, ‘they talked about him all over the countryside.’ (Matt 9: 31). With a new vision, they are now disciples of the Word themselves; those that are healed can now begin an exciting path of following Jesus too.

Today: try to look at your family in a new light and see something different in them


We can pray:

Lord God, help me to see properly and well today.

Help me to notice those little things in life that I might normally ignore.

Like the smile of a stranger that I pass on the road,

The warm and welcoming glow of the lights when I arrive home.

The attention that my family and friends need today.

Help me to use my heart to see what is invisible to the eye. AMEN


Camino: December 3rd


Camino: December 1st