Camino: December 21st

O dawn of the east, brightness of light eternal, and sun of justice: come, and enlighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.

One of the things I love about Mary of Nazareth is her decisive action; she does not appear much in the Gospels, but she is always seen as helping and supportive from Bethlehem to Cana to Calvary to the early Christian lockdown in the Upper Room. On hearing that she is to be the mother of God she does not sit back and bask in her chosen status; nor does she figuratively flick through the pages of an early ‘Mothercare’ catalogue to pick items for the nursery. Luke presents her going on a difficult journey south to ‘the hill country of Judea’ (Lk 1: 39) so that she could be with Elizabeth, the older woman who was having a child for the first time. Mary was her help and support-she was the help to the couple at Cana; she supported Jesus to the very end on Calvary, and she was that needed point of care to the early disciples after Resurrection when they feared for their lives. Just to see Mary’s smiling face coming around the corner must have brought great comfort; we need those friends and family members who cause the same reaction in our lives too. Be thankful today for those who offer that support; for those who cause you to smile and feel good just thinking about them-they are true friends.


‘The Visitation’—a sculpture in the piazza outside the Church of Visitation

In the courtyard of the Church of the Visitation in the village Ein Karem, outside Jerusalem is the statue of the ‘Visitation’ depicting the momentous meeting of the two pregnant women. Elizabeth is filled with that indescribable joy when she meets Mary and exclaims in the style of Judith and Jael, “Of all women you are the most blessed and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” (Lk 1: 42). Elizabeth gives praise to God who makes a promise that is kept: both women will bring children into the world-children that will transform the world. Elizabeth proclaims that they are truly BLESSED, and I am reminded of that incident in the Gospel who sees that the womb he came from is blessed, the breasts that suckled him are blessed. Jesus’ reply is simple and to the point, “More blessed still are those who HEAR the word of God and KEEP it” (Lk 11: 28). Mary and Elizabeth are those faithful disciples who hear and keep God’s word; not only do they ‘talk the talk’, which is relatively easy to do, they ‘walk the walk’-much harder to achieve but the sign of a true disciple. Like Mary, you will be carrying Jesus with you today; how you respond to situations and people will define your very being today. Be kind, listen and give praise and thanks who help you along the Camino today: may your day move from grey to gold.

Today: smile more-share a joke and laugh heartily (just like a six-year-old)


We can pray:

May you find a gift this morning

Laid out for you in the sky.

A beautiful reminder

That sets your hope in flight.


May you notice birds above you

That soar and ride the winds.

And know that as you lift your prayer

God lifts your heart and sings.


May you hear the sweet birds chirping

May you smell the fresh cool air

And know that God's love is all around

Holding you so dear.


Camino: December 22nd


Camino: December 20th