Camino: December 15th

Once again, we are presented with the character of John the Baptist, who is seen as the messenger: ‘Behold, I send my messenger before your face who will prepare your way before you’ (Lk 7:27). Jesus sees him clearly as ‘among those born of women none is greater than John’ (Lk 7:28). However, Jesus counters this by saying, ‘yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he’ (Lk 7:28). This fits in with Jesus’ understanding of true leadership—servant leadership. We are not to be defined by our titles: headteacher, parish priest, Right Reverend, or Monsignor; rather we should serve God and humanity with true humility.

Today: pray for those who choose to be defined by their title, rather than their true acceptance of God and others in their lives.

We can pray:

All-Powerful Father, I pray for those who are battling narcissism in their lives. Help them overcome, by the power of the cross, their prideful focus on themselves. Help them to see that there is so much more this world has to offer than just caring about themselves. Help them to understand that they are not putting God first in their lives. When Your Son called the crowd to Him with his disciples, He said that if anyone would come after Him, let them deny himself and take up his cross and follow Him. Speak to them, Father, and show them that there is more to gain in following You than in seeking what this world has to offer. Only You can reveal the ultimate good that can free them, Lord. Please help them now. Amen.

We are now invited to enter into a very solemn part of our Camino through Advent; it is a time to get ready, with minds and hearts open to the impending message. However, if you are like me, these last few days, leading up to December 25th are hectic: school carol services, parties to go to, shopping to get, cards to send and gifts to wrap and churches to get ready. In these times, perhaps there is not the same intensity, and we might be able to focus a little more closely on the meaning of Christmas. In a strange way, the pandemic may have given us the gift of ‘time and reflection.’ I urge you to use it wisely and well! I invite you to join us as we pray the Christmas Novena over these next nine days; the Novena is a traditional Catholic prayer. Those who practice recite a series of prayers for nine days with a purpose – or for a particular request – in the common thought of praising God.

Christmas novena 2022: the prayers

The first day is dedicated to the invocation of Baby Jesus. The whole New Testament is based on the expectation of Christ that we continue to wait every year as if it were the first. The first prayer is “Come, Baby Jesus “.

On the second day, the heart rejoices because God announces the future salvation to people. This announcement is a cause of great joy because it means that after death, reconciliation and communion with Jesus will be possible. The prayer of the second day is “Jesus, hear us“.

On the third day of Novena, we prepare the ways for the Lord. The reference prayer is “Send your Spirit, O Lord“.

The fourth day is dedicated to bearing witness to Christ. At the time it was the mission of John the Baptist and he accomplished it in truth and in humility, exhorting to conversion and pointing to Jesus as the Saviour. The prayers are accompanied by “Listen to us, O Lord“.

The fifth day is dedicated to God’s plan of salvation which meets the will and collaboration of Joseph and Mary. Even the fifth day prayers are guided by “Listen to us, oh Lord“.

The sixth day is addressed to the handmaid of the Lord. After the announcement to Mary by the Archangel Gabriel, God begins to give life to the ancient promises about the coming of the Messiah. The prayer is “We thank you, O Jesus“.

On the seventh day a sign of salvation appears, the miraculous birth of Emmanuel, the son of a virgin. In this event the Evangelist reconnects the prophecy of the birth of Jesus: now God is really with us. By becoming a man, he came to live among us and continues to remain among us today, in the church and in the Eucharist. The prayer is “Honour and glory to You, Lord Jesus“.

The eighth day the emphasis is placed on the saving power of love. This love is good, tenderness, mercy and presents itself despite the sins and weakness of men. The prayer is “Show us, Lord, your Mercy“.

Finally, the ninth day is that of Christmas Eve and is dedicated to the journey into darkness until the reach of God. On the ninth day the prayers are guided by “Listen, oh Lord“.


Camino: December 16th


Camino: December 14th