9th December

In our gospel today, Jesus pleads for ‘good shepherds’: we see Jesus sharing his gifts with those chosen ones, the Apostles. They are called to the healing and saving message of God. In these difficult times, we need Religious Sisters. Brothers, as well as Diocesan and Religious Priests who will really care for those in parishes, schools, and streets across our land. Do you encourage members of your family to consider a vocation to priesthood or religious life? Do you think about your vocation? Do you expect others to ensure that our parishes and religious communities are staffed? We have to do our part to promote vocations and ensure that our parishes are cared for by loving pastors, who only want the very best for others.

Today : make a conscious effort to reflect on your own vocation—please pray for those discerning their possible vocation to priesthood or religious life.


We can pray:

O my Lord Jesus!

Teach me to be generous;

teach me to serve You as you deserve;

to give, and not to count the cost;

to fight and not to heed the wounds;

to toil and not to ask for rest;

to labour, seeking no reward,

save that of knowing that I do your will. AMEN.


10th December


8th December