Day 2: Presentation Day Novena

Today, we reflect on Nano’s COMPASSION for those made poor

We remember our Presentation family in The Philippines and Thailand

We begin in the name of God our creator,

Christ who shows us the way and

the Spirit who continues to give us hope and courage

Scripture – Matthew 9:36

At the sight of the crowds Jesus’ heart was moved with compassion because they were troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd.

Nano’s gradual awakening to the plight of the poor was influenced by her experience of seeing the poor workers waiting for Mass on her way home from a ball as well as Ann selling the silk for a future gown to buy medicine for the sick & Nano’s accompaniment of Ann in her charitable visiting. Through these experiences, Nano had set her feet on a long road. After such experiences and Ann’s death, Nano’s life began to change. Her spirituality grew in her devotion to the Sacred Heart.

“Looking on the Sacred heart of Jesus, Nano learned the meaning of compassion as suffering with another, the weak, the sinful, the ignorant and oppressed.” (Fire on the Earth)

Compassion for those she encountered on her return to Ireland lead to the establishment of schools and her desire to enlist others to help her carry on her work. And after the work of the day, her nights involved the care and concern of the sick, the suffering, the elderly and widows. She was known and easily recognised for her compassionate presence by the glow of the lantern which lighted her way.

As we remember the needs of our world today, we respond: Give us compassion



Day 3: Presentation Day Novena


Day 1: Presentation Day Novena